Auto insurance is a unique expense because it is required by law. Because this is such an important bill each month or each year, you will want to make sure you get the best deal you can. At Family Insurance Associates, serving Ruidoso, NM, and the surrounding areas, we want to help make sure you always get the right insurance products at the right price. Keep reading to learn about when you should shop for new auto insurance.
It is good to shop around and compare auto insurance prices at least once a year. This allows you to see if you are getting the best possible price.
When You Get Married
If you are planning to get married, or if you recently got married, you might want to consider comparing rates again. Married couples can get special discounts when they bundle their policies together. Putting your insurance together is also a great way to simplify your budget and hopefully lower this expense each month.
When You Add a New Driver
If you plan to add a new driver, you will want to compare rates. Your car insurance expenses could change if you add a new driver. This is especially true if you are adding a new teen driver. Be sure anyone you add to your policy has a good driving record and is someone you can trust.
When You Purchase a New Car
When you purchase another vehicle, your insurance rates could change. If you are adding this vehicle in addition to others, you will want to discuss with an insurance agent which vehicle should be primary.
If you would like to learn more about our insurance products, don’t hesitate to contact us at Family Insurance Associates serving Ruidoso, NM, and the surrounding areas.